Google Street View for

Hotels & Resorts

Customer Decisions Start Online

A 360 walk-through answers many of your customers’ research needs.


Increase Room Bookings

Price, location and imagery ranks high with customers decisions. Wow them right away with an interactive experience.

24 hours

Highlight Unique Amenities

Customers want to know where they can relax, workout, and enjoy activities. Answer all their needs within seconds.


Stand out on Hotel Listings

Listing sites are ultra-competitive. You have a few seconds to intrege your customer. Make a lasting impression.  

Your Hotel’s Unique Features Amplified


Showcase amenities such as: Event spaces, Restaurant, Rooftop Patio, to your Local Beach.

The case For Virtual Tours

1200px Radisson Hotels logo.svg

The Radisson Hotel

Introduced virtual tours for a number of their branches worldwide and achieved a 135% increase in online revenue amounting to $7,200 per hotel per month over those without a virtual. travel the world clip 677231

The Omni Hotels

Another study found that when online visitors were offered 360 VR tours they were 67% more likely to book a room online

West Hotels by Hilton

Within 12 months, West Hotels by Hilton was able to receive over 250,000 views and increase room bookings by 7% through the use of 360 videos.

Add an Interactive Menu for Clear Navigation

overlay google tour

Add a Third-Party Software Overlay from one of our Trusted Partners

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Menu Bar Navigation

List all the featured locations of your hotel in one easy to use menu. 


Custom Design

Include your own logo, add different color schemes and pop-up info boxes! 


Hot-Spot Info Boxes

Provide additional info and incentives. Offer deals and call-to- action buttons.

Imagery to Highlight Your Hotel or Resort 

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Hotel Interior RichTeaMedia360 scaled
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Getting Started

Setting Up a 360 Tour is Much Easier Than You Think


Contact us to schedule a date for a photoshoot. Seasons between Spring to Fall is preferred. 


Ensure the location is photo-ready condition on the day of the shoot. Instructions will be sent out in advanced.

Service Agreement

Payment made to RichTeaMedia360 on the day of the photoshoot. A service agreement and invoice will be provided.