Local Marketing Focused on Customers Nearby

Mobile Search and Local SEO is a MUST:

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Reviews rank highly and influence customer decisions

Reviews are often misleading and unfair. However, it plays a heavy role in Google’s local search rankings.

We work with you to generate more positive customer reviews.

Traffic doesn’t matter if you’re not getting calls!

“76% of people who search on their smartphones visit a business within a day” ~Google

Build an actionable plan that gets customers visiting.

Customers are choosing your competitors

Competitors with higher rankings, better reviews, quality photos, and a strong social media presence rank higher

Improve these categories to have customers to choose your business.

High visibility in search results gains more traffic

If you’re not shown on the first few pages customers will not find you. Gain better visibility by improving user behavioural signals.

Stand Out on Platforms Your Customers Use Most

Google dominates in listings, there are many platforms customers make their decisions:

  • Directories rank high on Google Search
  • Yelp is connected to Apple Maps
  • Bing is connected to Amazon’s Alexa 
  • Yahoo is Top 10 most viewed websites globally (Alexa.com)
  • Niche directories provide tons of traffic, such as: Trip Advisor, Leafly, AutoTrader, Uber Eats… 
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Solutions To Lead Your Territory

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Discover and Implement Key Optimization Opportunities

We’ll run a deep analysis on your website and do extensive keyword research. By fixing errors and looking for gaps will help increase visibility. 

Create a Long Term Review Growth Strategy

Social Validation is huge. Even it is random strangers, reviews heavily influence customers decisions. 

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Track Local Search Rankings against Competitors

Rankings are a constant competition for keywords against your competitors. It is important to monitor, adjust and pivot your monthly strategy.

Local SEO ranks different from Organic SEO

Google provides different results depending on where you are searching from.

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Focuses on Proximity: A Top Ranking Factor for Mobile 

When customers search on mobile, rankings will favor businesses that are closest to them. Optimize your local listings and seo to rank above your nearby competitors.

Relevance: Which Business Provides the Best Answer to Customer Problems?

Customer searches are no longer just a single keyword. They are also searching for specific questions. Improve exposure by answering customers’ key problems.

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Prominence: How Strong is Your Businesses Online Presence

Google gathers your information from across the web (directories, links, blogs, reviews etc.) to determine a position in local ranking. Optimize these for maximum visibility. 

Low Investment Cost, Guaranteed Results

Our Optimization 6 Strategy Approach

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Multi-Listing Integration

Citation Signals contribute to 10% of Local Search Ranking factors. We ensure all your information is optimized across all listings.

Optimize for Local SEO

Focus on the most important signals that improve rankings. These include strong social, behavioral, and link signals.

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Create Fresh Content

Images improve engagement! A study of 45,000 listings by Brightlocal found more images resulted in more clicks!

Review Generation

Reviews rank very well for SEO and influence decision making. We make sure you get those quality reviews to rank up.

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Call-To-Action Conversion

Customer decisions are changing by the second. We make sure that your call-to-action buttons are present at the right moment.

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ROI Analytic Reports

Data is concrete proof. We look into your analytics and make adjustments to reach your full potential.

Rank Higher on Mobile Phone Search Results

Give it a try, search “Vegan Restaurants” on your phone. The search results will show the closest restaurants first. Make sure your business gets selected among your competitors.

Get in Touch

Gain More Local Customers 

It starts by just sending us a message!

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(416) 918-6675
info [@] richteamedia.com


Toronto, ON 
Los Angeles, CA